A spam filter is a software application that is installed on an email server and keeps track of all inbound email messages to hinder any undesired ones from reaching a particular mailbox. Several instances of such emails would be: offers for pills or money, fake bank statements or email attachments that contain malware sent with the intention to damage your PC. Spam filters usually check the content of an email and in case they spot certain keywords or other dubious content, they either delete the message or re-send it to the Junk/Spam folder instead of the Inbox folder. Certain web hosts combine their own email filters with up-to-the-minute databases from spam-monitoring organizations, so as to ensure higher levels of safety for their customers. Such databases contain patterns, mail server IPs and other info about spam email messages recently revealed by these organizations.
Spam Filters in Cloud Hosting
If you order a cloud hosting package from our company and if you make use of our email services, you’ll be able to activate anti-spam protection for any of the mailboxes that you create from the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you can pick between five separate levels of safety. In case you start receiving spam, you can begin with the lowest one and then gradually increase the level till you stop getting spam. We rely on one of the best and most popular email filters available called SpamAssassin. It analyzes the header and the body of each message that you receive and determines a spam score, based on which it either deletes a particular email message or permits it to enter your mailbox. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel will also permit you to configure custom email filters and either get rid of undesired messages or re-send them to a third-party email address such as spam@domain.com where you can examine them once more later.
Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages provide top-notch anti-spam protection guaranteed by the famous SpamAssassin anti-spam filter, which rates all incoming email messages on the basis of a spam score in accordance with patterns and parameters, such as the frequency of specific keywords and phrases, the sender, the subject, and so on. When you enable the filter for any email account via the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel, you can select between 5 different protection levels – from very high to very low. If you continue to get junk messages, you can increase the level, or if authentic email messages are classified as spam, you can lower it. Enabling or disabling the anti-spam protection requires as little as 2 clicks and you can select if the filtered email messages should be erased right away or if they should be redirected to a designated mailbox where you can review them at a later point in time, so as to make certain that valuable messages will not get lost.