Working with our Website Tools, you’ll be able to concentrate on your site’s reputation straight from the Online Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you will get an in–depth sitemap for your site within minutes. You could publish the sitemap to search engines so they could index your web site as fast as possible. Furthermore, with the RSS News instrument, you’re able to use frequently updated content on your web site, which is actually a promise for higher rating positions with major search engines. Our GeoIP re–direction application will help you to re–route customers coming from a specific place into a specified language variation of your website for more accurate targeting results.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your web pages in a mouse click

The quickest method of getting your recently released site listed in the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap lists all the webpages within your website and by publishing it to a search engine, you tell it that you want those pages to get crawled as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are often developed by 3rd party instruments. However, with Desk Top Hosting, you don’t have to navigate from your Online Control Panel. Our in–house made Sitemap Generator is incorporated into the Advanced Instruments area and is going to create a sitemap for you with a click of the mouse.

What you need to do is pick the top number of web pages you want to be listed, the depth of the scanned hyperlinks along with the format of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Route visitors as outlined by their whereabouts

With the GeoIP re–direction application that is integrated into the Domains Manager of the Desk Top Hosting Online Control Panel, you’re able to re–direct your users based on their geographic area. For instance, in case you have different language versions of the web site, you can easily set up a specific language variation to instantly come up for users from the location where that language is spoken. In this way, in case a customer from France opens your web site, she will be instantly transferred to the French version, without the need to move to French by hand. To make use of the GeoIP redirection tool , you will not need any knowledge or special skills. Just specify the geographic location of your customers and the URL of your web site that you want to open for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current headlines within your web site

What is actually RSS? RSS represents a technology for posting and collecting site content. It’s being commonly used by news web sites, personal weblogs, bulletins, and so forth. The presented information is easily picked up from a news aggregator and after that displayed to the consumer. Employing RSS, clients can obtain updates from various web sites and go over them in a sole area.

Using the RSS News tool, you can easily add media feeds from some of the world’s most widely used news outlets and exhibit them within your web site.

RSS News