In the hosting world, a control panel is a web-based instrument that makes it possible to command your web hosting account via a graphic interface using various instruments. Considering that the alternative is to type in commands inside a command line, many people prefer to use a control panel to manage their web content. There are many different control panel types and the ease of administration through each of them is different, but the vast majority of tools provide a basic set of services that you will be able to control from a point-and-click interface. For example working with files and folders, managing e-mail addresses and databases or looking at access and error logs. A few control panels will allow you to do many more things as well, so when you purchase an Internet hosting solution, you should check the benefits and drawbacks of the tool which you will use to control your new account.
Multiple Control Panels in VPS Servers
Our VPS server packages come with three different control panels to choose from during the registration process. Hepsia is in-house built and it will help you to take care of all your domains in one place together with domain registrations, plan renewals and support tickets. It's also the easiest one of the three to work with as it has an exceptionally intuitive interface. With cPanel and DirectAdmin you will have more flexibility as you will be able to create a separate account on the server for each and every domain that you host and you will have full root-level access, yet they're more difficult to use. They also have a reseller level that will help you to start your own web hosting company. If you want additional power for your Internet sites and you haven't had a VPS account before, Hepsia may be the better choice to start with.
Multiple Control Panels in Dedicated Servers
If you decide to order one of the dedicated server plans that we offer, you will have 3 control panels to make your choice from for your machine. The easiest one to work with is called Hepsia and it is in-house built. It will allow you to do a lot of things in a single place, so even when you have little experience, you'll never have any problems to take care of your website content, domains, payments and / or support tickets with no need to log into another system. Hepsia also has the most user-friendly interface. In comparison, the other two control panels - cPanel and DirectAdmin, are more complicated to use, so you'll need better technical skills to be able to use them, but they'll provide you with increased control over various server settings and will allow you to host every domain in an individual account. The aforementioned option makes these two control panels suitable for running a reseller business and selling web hosting accounts to other individuals.