Dreamweaver is a feature-rich web design application, that has become really popular among users through the past decade because it will allow you to make professional websites without difficulty. It's set up on a computer system and you'll be able to publish the content straight from it without using any third-party software, therefore you will always have the most recent copy of your site as a backup on your end. Dreamweaver features lots of templates for various types of websites and has a WYSIWYG editor, that will help you to include menus, interactive buttons and contact forms on your site even when you don't have any previous experience. If you're more experienced, you'll also be able to view and modify the code of your pages manually. A further advantage that Dreamweaver has over online website design applications is that you're able to manage a number of websites in the same time without the need to sign in or out of any system.
Dreamweaver Compatible in Cloud Hosting
You can use Dreamweaver so as to create your website with each and every cloud plan that we supply since our state-of-the-art cluster platform is Dreamweaver-compatible. Everything you will need to do is enter the FTP info for your account inside the program settings and you shall be able to publish any content that you create on your computer directly to our servers. This way you will be able to eliminate any kind of third-party FTP software and you won't have to use even your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. Keeping your site up-to-date doesn't require anything different - you're able to make as many changes as you want both at home and at work and once you publish the site, Dreamweaver will connect to our servers and it will switch the older files with the revised ones, which means that your update will go online straight away.
Dreamweaver Compatible in Semi-dedicated Servers
You will be able to use a semi-dedicated server account to host a site created with Dreamweaver since our cloud website hosting platform is fully compatible with the application. In case you are used to using it and you already have it on your notebook or desktop computer system, all it takes to publish your site on our servers after you create it is to input your FTP login info in the Dreamweaver settings. The program will copy all of the content in the account on our end and your site will be visible on the web without delay. To update the website in the future, you only need to make the changes on your computer system and click on the Publish button, as the FTP information will be saved. In case you want to build a couple of websites and host them inside the very same account on our end, you can simply create several FTP accounts from your Hepsia Control Panel, each of them with access to a separate domain or subdomain folder.