Data Center In Finland

When choosing a data center, its location will probably be among the essential factors - you can choose an allegedly great place, which can end up being a flood sector or perhaps an earthquake hotspot. Or the specific region may have an unstable political environment. This is why we've picked Finland as the place for our next data center. This is a country having a steady political climate; it's far away from seismic hotspots and flooding isn't a factor there.

The Finnish data center is located in an ex army facility. It is operating out of an below ground cave that's capable to endure aerial assault or EMP blasts. This will basically ensure that your website will continue functioning no matter what occurs with the world outside.

Aside from its strategic place and security features, the Finnish data center also offers amazing connectivity with the world and particularly with Russia and Northern/Central Europe. It's an exceptional option if you wish to extend your web presence in the aforementioned areas and also to provide your clients with top connection speeds.

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names
  • Semi-dedicated Hosting

  • Unlimited Hosted Domain(s)
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Monthly Traffic

Cloud Plans in Finland

Buy a totally risk-free cloud hosting package from Desk Top Hosting and host your sites inside our Finnish data center. We match the safety levels offered by this data center with extraordinary internal network security, and that's why all our plans offer 99.9% server uptime and network uptime guarantees. Furthermore, they feature the ModSecurity module, which will function as a firewall from app hacker attacks.

Moreover, by hosting your website here, additionally, you will receive an immediate speed boost - all our cloud hosting servers are equipped with NVMe drives offering considerably quicker read/write speeds in comparison to the regular HDD drives. Furthermore, it is possible to benefit from our range of web site accelerators to further increase the working speed of the sites and apps.

OpenVZ VPS Hosting Plans In Finland

Having an OpenVZ VPS Servers, you'll have pretty much the equivalent processing power as that of a dedicated server, but at a cheaper price. You can get a VPS inside our Finnish data center - an underground data center facility, which is capable of resisting EMP blasts. This data center also offers a fantastic connectivity with all of the North European countries and also with Russia.

All of the OpenVZ servers rely on incredibly fast processors along with NVMe drives and they are a very good base for your web sites. You will get substantial CPU and RAM allocations at inexpensive prices and use this power to boost your web sites. You'll also receive our complimentary Web Hosting Control Panel, which will come with tons of no cost bonuses and tools, and will help you control your websites more efficiently and improve their overall performance even further.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Semi-dedicated Plans In Finland

The Ficolo data center is an ideal home for your semi-dedicated server. It gives you the essential website hosting environment to have your demanding web sites and apps work effortlessly: great local and global connectivity, top-notch physical and network stability and, especially - a disaster-proof subterranean location. With the semi-dedicated plans, you will get a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

Due to Ficolo data center's flexible colocation policy, we've managed to use our very own cloud hosting platform, that uses NVMe-powered servers and the ZFS file storage system. This gives you high data processing and backup speeds. In addition, you will have ample CPU quotas for your demanding websites and web applications, and also lavish database query allocations.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Benefit from a hassle-free cloud website hosting service inside our Finnish data center. Enjoy an incredible 99.9% server uptime warranty as well as an extremely fast, 24/7 support service.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • Examine the prices of our Finland-based cloud hosting plans. Select the one that best fits your requirements.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • With Desk Top Hosting, you'll have a top-speed connection with the entire world, a great website performance as well as a dedicated tech support team, that's available 24/7.
  • Contact Us

  • If you'd like more details, feel free to get hold of us. Our reps are prepared to answer any questions you could have.